Went down to GD to pick up my hood bit and pieces on Saturday Morning. But as I had to work Saturday Night / Sunday Morning I never got a chance to start!
The first task is to take the GRP moulding and file the moulding pips down on the bottom - these mark the fixing hole centres. Mark the centres - check for symmetry then drill 6mm holes for the M5 bolts - (leaves a little tolerance). Stick some masking tape to the underside of the moulding (to prevent marking the body) and offer up to body lining it up with the doors and taping into position:
You can then drill through into the body with the 6mm drill. Remove the moulding and open the holes up in the body with a 8mm drill for the fixing inserts. You then end up with 8 nice holes in body! 
Put the stainless inserts in (after a bit of a polish) and tighten up. The inserts are a top hat m8 bolt with an m5 tapping down the middle. They are fixed in place with a plain nut, spring washer and body washer:
I'm going to get some acorn nuts to finish them off underneath to prevent any water getting into the boot when the hood is not on.
The next job is to cut the GRP moulding in half and then trim 25mm of each end (same as 50mm out of the middle) with the ends cut back at 45 degrees. This is to allow the hood to fold up for storage.
I then bolted the two mouldings into place temporarily with some M5 bolts (I have ordered some M5 thumbscrews for a proper job) stood back and admired my handiwork.
Next step will be the folding hood hoops tomorrow hopefully.
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