Having plucked up the courage to trust my shimming efforts I removed the diff to the bench. It would be easier to work at a height as the caliper bolts are hard to get at and there is some fiddly lock-wiring to do.
I placed the disc shims as previously calculated and fitted the calipers and discs and rechecked the centering of the disc - both discs were within 5 thou' of centre.

When complete I lock wired the bolts and fitted the pads and pad pins remembering to apply copper grease to the pins and backs and edges of the pads. Next job was to fit the handbrake calipers. These are self adjusting efforts and whilst relatively straightforward a lot of faffing about with the brass retraction fingers was needed until the balance between the two pads was even.
So.... the result of an evenings work......

Ready to go back on the floor for the wishbones and drive shafts to be added. By the way - remember the old callipers?
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