I'm taking the opportunity to get some small jobs that had previously fallen by the wayside done.
First up was to make up a bracket to support the heater hoses - nothing clever about this one - a bit of bent ali plate bolted to the end of the cylinder head:
Having spent the last few weeks kicking the handbrake cable every time I walked past I decided it was time to fit it through the rear bulkhead - straightforward other than ( as with most of the grommets) having to thin the GRP down in the inside as it is to thick for the grommet to thick - thanks to the trusty Dremel again:
I have also removed the bonnet scoop - fettled the edges of the cut-out and re-fitted the scoop as I wasn't 100% happy with it. No photo 'cos you can't tell the difference!
Finally I started producing some neoprene rubber grommets to fit the roll bar legs where they pass through the boot floor:
Still waiting for that windscreen?
Spoke to Daley at Autobrass on Wednesday - the latest batch are being plated and will be glazed next week - should be with GD at the end of next week / early the week after. They should be OK as AB provided him with a body template to work to.
Strangely I've now decided I need my steering column first! (Which is OK as it is done and waiting - I'll pick it up with the screen)
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