Few more jobs off the list: Touched up the door hinge brackets where they had got a couple of scratches fitting the escutcheons. Next up was to tackle the Hazard Switch. The SVA regs require that the Hazard Switch is marked with the appropriate symbol. The Hella switch I used comes with a butt ugly huge rubber cover which clips to the body of the switch before you install it:
Didn't fancy this, but there's an easy solution. Take a punch and punch out the centre with the symbol on: 
A smear of clear silicone on the back and press it onto the button. Looks much better and still illuminates:
I finished fitting the roll hoop harness eyebolts - I was missing some 7/16 spring washers. You need to add enough normal washers to get the orientation of the eyebolt correct:
One area of concern for contactable edges is inside the front nose. The large opening will allow the SVA Tester's 100mm sphere to contact a multitude of sharp edges on the oil cooler, radiator and fans. To prevent this Warren has kindly lent me the nose bars he used on his DAX:
I added a couple of aluminium brackets thus:
When bent correctly they are a spring fit inside the return on the nose opening:
All I need to do now is bond the plates into place with some Sikaflex. Sikaflex is great for this.... it sticks like the proverbial but can be easily removed afterwards with a sharp knife.
One other area with contactable sharp edges is the centre of the screen top rail and the hook end of the screen stay. Here's what I did - take some of your left over screen wash tube and cut two pieces - one 3 inches long the other 1 inch long. Cut the 1 inch piece along its length so you can open it out. Then cut a 1 inch slot in the 3 inch piece. Push one side of the now open 1 inch piece into the slot in the 3 inch piece and superglue into place. Then ram the hole lot into the slot in the top of the screen with the split 1 inch piece curling over the top of the hook on the screen stay:
It's a good fit and you can't pull it out by hand - you'll need to prise it out with a screwdriver.
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