Well, the windscreen came out from the stanchions so the stanchions could be sealed with silicone where they enter the body and the escutcheon plates added:
Whilst the windscreen was off the centre stay and bracket were fixed before the whole lot was re-assembled for the last time:
Next I ran the engine again so the Accusump could be fettled and the electronic fan controller adjusted. All done with no probs - fan comes on at 90 and goes off at 85 - tested it for a couple of cycles - the fans need 2 and half minutes to get the temp down. For once it was nice and warm in the garage!
I then decided it was time to test the wipers - in particular the intermittent wipe function that had me stumped before. As mentioned earlier Andy had pointed me in the right direction after my first abortive attempt.
Thanks Andy! - Works a treat -I even get three "free wipes" with the screen wash!!
(Ignore the position of the wiper - it needs fettling yet)
And finally - I've sent off my SVA application with a request for a test on or after 25th March (A bit early but I wanted to get it in before the end of February Deadline.
The clock is ticking now!
Oh.... see if you can spot the deliberate mistake with the wipers!!!!
1 Comment:
Top job, glad it worked out OK. Now dont loose the part numbers! I have a feeling somebody might be needing those in the future!
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