Fitting the permanent Engine Bay wiring is another job best done before the body goes on. Having made quite a few alterations from the standard wiring layout I needed to produce a bespoke engine bay wiring harness. Utilising the GD standard loom and "Harnessflex" components I slowly put together a new loom based on the wiring diagram in a previous post and shown here:
I had also worked out the physical layout of the loom beforehand and this is shown in the next picture:

The picture below shows the loom substantially complete but with none of the end connectors done yet - the photo is also upside down when compared to the diagram above!!
It took me about half a day to produce this, the "Harnessflex" components are well made and easy to use and the end result looks reasonably professional:
The next job will be to fit some of the end connectors (Amp Superseal) and fit the harness into place. When fitting the harness I'll take the opportunity to replace the damaged rocker covers with the replacements I've had for ages!!
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