Saturday, 1 March 2008

Accusump Ammendments

If you remember this post then you'll remember that from some preliminary measurements it appeared that the Accusump pressure gauge was going to foul the bonnet.

Now as the "jobs to do list" was getting smaller it was time to tackle this problem. The first thing I did was to make up a mock inner wing section from thick cardboard:
The mock wing was bolted to the inner wing inside the engine bay and a template was produced to match the underside of the bonnet. This template was then used to produce a "negative" template.

The mock inner wing was then bolted to the chassis:
The negative template was then placed into position and the extent of the problem became clear:

There is not enough clearance between the bottom of the Accusump and the chassis cross member to move the Accusump down so that the pressure gauge would clear the underside of the bonnet.

So the only option was to move the pressure gauge.... another thinly disguised excuse to use some more shiny fittings and stainless hose!

So the Accusump was de-pressurised, removed, the stainless mounting plate was modified, the extra plumbing added and the whole lot replaced:

This is as neat as I could get, it gets complicated having to change from NPTF to JIC and back again.

The proof of the pudding though would be seen from placing the bonnet template back in position:

Success! The whole system was then re-pressurised and I'll check for any leakage tomorrow: