Time to fit the last of the leather panels - this time the door cards. The door cards are held in place with metal clips which fit into 7mm holes drilled in the inner door skin:Problem is.... how to mark the holes accurately? I worked out a method which I reckoned would work OK.
First job was to offer the panel up unto place (with the door shut) get it lined up and mark where the door handle stub is on the leather (there is already a hole in the panel). Then use a punch to make a hole in the leather for the handle stub.
Next open the door and stick masking tape on the door in the area of the clips. Fit the clip on the top edge nearest the hinge. Use a Jumbo Black Marker to "colour in" the point of the clip. Offer the panel up, press the panel and hey presto - a handy little line to drill a hole in the centre of:Once you've drilled the hole this can become an alignment point by half inserting the clip. I repeated the process for the other two clips along the top edge one at a time. Once the top row is done you can "hang" the panel on these clips and do the remaining four in one go. End result - seven accurately drilled holes in the door:
And seven clips in the door card:The you just offer the panel up, press gently in the area of the clips and they snap into place easily and gives a very secure fixing. Fit the handle and tighten the fixing screw - Job done:
The it is just a simple matter to repeat for the other door!
You can see there is an area of inner skin showing all around the door card - this is what the door rubber seals on to. The passenger seat is not fixed in place - it is just a handy place to put it out of the way!
So three hours sees only one job off the snagging list!
Going well and looking good, dont worry you have 33 days left to SVA and at 3 hrs per job, 7.5 hrs per day I figure 15 days solid work to finish off in time!!
Good luck!!
Excellent - That will leave me with 18 days to worry and find things wrong ;)
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