Thought it was about time to fit the battery, but before that I decided to fit a drain to the compartment. Anecdotal evidence from numerous GD'ers reveals that despite their best efforts water can find its way into the compartment. I made up a drain from a 10mm microbore plumbing fitting with a flange on the back - pushed through from the inside and sealed in place with Sikaflex:
A bit untidy perhaps but little scope to rationalise things - it will look loads better with the cover on! You can see one of the lengths of studding from my home made battery clamp - just painting the straps at the moment.
So what about the battery "brain"does it work?
Check this out:
If you remember I included a lead under the dash connected directly to the battery - bypassing the "Brain" - this allows me to charge / condition the battery without having to remove the wheel and access panel (even when the "Brain" has disconnected the battery) - just plug & play:
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